‘Love Decoded’
– is based on Stefan Deutsch’s revolutionary new theory of love as nourishment. The perfect book to Enrich Your Marriage or To Heal It. Not knowing and understanding this simple fact and its implications, causes people to fall out of love, to behave in unloving and unconscious ways without realizing it, as well as negatively affecting their levels of energy and the functioning of their immune system. This often causes many of the chronic illnesses people struggle with today. The expanded version of ‘I Know That You Love Me, And You Know I Love You’, still focuses on relationships, but it has been updated to include The Continuum Theory of Human Development, from which Deutsch’s theory of love was taken. Hundreds of readers have commented on how the book has helped them improve their sense of self-worth as well as their relationships others. See testimonials below or simply..... Click here to purchase.
‘I Know You Love Me, And You Know I Love You’
Individuals and couples, who we focus on in this book, will understand love in a way that truly empowers them to realize the promise of marriage and relationship. To deliver loving behavior consistently we need to acquire certain developmental tools, which we have never been asked to pay attention to.
To get your own copy of the book right now and/or to send a gift to friends you really love..... Click here to purchase.
Coming Soon – The Liberated Parent – a totally new perspective on parenting that will help parents raise the most loving, happy, successful child imaginable.

Germain, Cindy
Uxbridge, Mass.
The book held my interest and reminded me to love myself in order to fully appreciate my partner and give love unconditionally. It helped reawaken my perspective on how to love and be loved.
Greski-Lesniewicz. Cherise
Warrenville, IL 60555
The concept that someone who truly feels ‘heard’/understood, will let go of the issue was new to me. I can attest to this in my own life experience. While I understood that intrinsically, it is the first time I’ve read that concept stated so specifically and clearly.
Griffeth, Vicki
Bedford, Texas
I am a very loving person and because my love is unconditional I was often a pushover. Reading about how being unconditional is a good thing as long as I stand up for myself in a loving way was really empowering to hear.
Holland, Lindsay
There are valuable ideas here. The idea of identifying and then replacing your unloving habits (both to self and others) was great. It’s meaningful to really acknowledge the ways you self-sabotage or are unloving to others, and then consciously work at reversing them instead of hoping they will change on their own.
Glushakow, Justin
Livingston, NJ
This book fills a void in much of the self-help literature that does not offer readers concrete exercises to build skills and pragmatic ways to increase love and improve relationships. Enjoyable read.
Brito, Stephanie
Jacksonville, Florida
It was so easy to read that I wanted to continue reading. With a new and original twist on the information about love that kept me intrigued throughout. It will have a positive influence on anyone who reads it.
Cheema, Fatima
The book taught me to be consciously aware of the on and off switch associated with conditional love. I will be more patient with myself and my loved ones and begin to take to heart how people react to what I say and do.
Calais, Maine
It was an easy, enjoyable read. Relationships can be stressful; people don’t need additional stress from a psychology/relationship book that is difficult to understand. I liked that the “Nine Laws for Fulfilling Relationships” were included right at the beginning. It presented an accurate and powerful tone and style of the book.
Crawley, Carmen
Dallas, Georgia
The tone is perfect and allows a couple to work together on exercises. It also helps each one understand that the process of marriage is teamwork.
Cristancho, Juan
I found reading this very interesting, and although I’m not in a relationship at the moment, I think both couples and individuals can benefit tremendously from the content in this book. It made me realize that I tend to walk away from arguments, not realizing that I was hurting others when I did. I personally liked the length of the book, short, because it gets to the point without wasting time.
Deoul, Joan
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
I found the idea that love –of yourself - may be the key to happiness, very liberating and new. I also loved the idea that you can Love Unconditionally without being taken advantage of.
Dinzeo, Delores
St. Paul Minnesotta
I found Deutsch's theory believable and helpful; the need for unconditional love for a healthy life was well made and the casual, conversational tone very engaging and appealing.
Francis, Rhena
Huntington Beach, CA
I found the style to be a quick read, especially if one reads self-help/ relationship books. The Shared Vision is very interesting. My husband and I are creating ours this weekend. I am a firm believer that one can ALWAYS improve themselves, their situation, etc., I found some great ideas to incorporate into my life and marriage.